Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Inspiration For Your Year
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Today's episode is a conversation following a talk from Dean Graziosi about how to make this year your best yet!
Here are some of the high points:
When you're finishing a year and in the early stages of a new year, there is MUCH you can do to align your vision and your goals.
Don't forget what is POSSIBLE! Don't forget to DREAM and fight with persistence every single day.
We have all been through a LOT in the last couple of years.
Hustle in your free time long enough to buy back the time you work for your full time job!
Fast forward to the end of this year; visualize that you've accomplished everything you wrote down at the beginning of the year!
If you prefer to watch this episode via YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/a8t9ZUf0PFI
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Commitments Always Beat Goals!
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Today's episode is a conversation following a talk from Ed Mylett and Jon Gordon about how we should focus on commitments rather than goals. Here are some of the high points:
Standards matter more than goals.
People often create these big picture goals, but fail to set standards that will actually facilitate the journey TO GET TO those goals.
Goals are temporary - but your character is what sustains you.
Goals will not take you where you want to go... but commitment WILL!
What are you installing in your daily habits, rhythms and character that will help you lead a life that conquers all the goals you dream of one day?
God created you for oneness with your mind, body, actions and goals. Two of your most powerful tools to experience this are LOVE and FORGIVENESS. These are incredibly powerful!
If you prefer to watch this on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/lWhnV7hirbE
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Leading Through Tough Times
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Today, we'll have a conversation together about how to lead and respond when you're going through a difficult season.
Here are some of the high points:
The first thing we all have to realize is that tough times ARE going to come. In order to best respond to a battle, we need to have eyes wide open that these moments are going to come!
Tough times are an opportunity to GROW, LEARN and move FORWARD!
- You must be intentional about self-leadership. You must ensure that you are preparing yourself for tough times.
- You need to become an effective change agent during times of struggle. You either sit back and wait or you become an activator of GOOD change!
- Teamwork. Don't walk the path alone. Draw your inner circle together for a common goal.
- Bring motivation and vision to the larger organization to help inspire more action for those in your circle of influence.
- Strategy. Sometimes the things that got you where you are need to be re-initiated ... and sometimes they need to be reinvented!
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here:
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
How To Change Your Energy!
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Today's episode is a conversation following a talk from Dean Graziosi about how to turn things around and change your energy.
Here are some of the high points:
What do you do to get through the hard times?
How do you change your energy?
More than likely, that which stands between you and your next level is not external circumstances, but the story that you believe about yourself.
You need to CHANGE your story because you don't want your story to hold you back!
You need to go find proof that it's untrue and that it's a lie. You can do this by finding others who have overcome similar obstacles and are living at a whole new level today.
Ask yourself how can you turn your story around to empower you? Can it be a driving force to move your life forward?
You can go back and CHANGE your past based on how you VIEW what you experienced! This will begin to alter your emotions connected to that past...
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/k6PekaSwx_g
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
How You Can Bring CHANGE To Your Life!
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Today's episode is a conversation following a discussion between Ed Mylett and Brendon Burchard about change.
Here are some of the high points:
For humans, change is one of the most simple ideas to understand and one of the hardest things to actually accomplish!
So many people want to change, but don't know how.
People generally make a change either out of INSPIRATION or DESPERATION.
What you need to make a lasting change, you need two things - hope and ambition.
Ask yourself today... does tomorrow look better for you or does it look dark? AND... do you have the internal drive to make that tomorrow possible?
Circumstances sometimes DEMAND that we change! These can be external or internal circumstances.
Most people are actually afraid of change because they are afraid of demanding something from themselves that they are unsure they can actually rise up to. It's easier to take on demands from other people... but you are then fulfilling THEIR desires and not your own.
Do you look at change as a challenge or a threat?
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, you can view it here: https://youtu.be/AhdA2qOMk-o
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Are you feeling like things aren't moving as fast as you want right now?! Are you feeling stuck?! This conversation is for you!
Here are some of the high points:
First, you need to establish that you HAVE a meaningful purpose! Often a journey begins because you have a NEED... which will fuel your early journey because you are running FROM something. With that said, at some point, you have to transition to running TO something of purpose instead!
Does your purpose add value to the PEOPLE around you or does it just help YOU?
Are you a builder who turned into a protector... or possibly even simply a manager? Have you stopped building? It's always important that there is a piece of your time that is spent focused on building.
Are you putting words to your vision for your team?
Consistency equals frequency in the key measurable tasks that really move the needle for your business!
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/UCISCpaZ0BE
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Sometimes You Just Need Some Rapid Fire #wisdom
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Today's talk will be some RAPID FIRE awesomeness!
* You need to find your burn. Your burn is what ignites your WHY and your purpose. There is something that FUELS your why. What is the story that really fuels you? Seeking to discover this is critical for you!
* You need to be able to create the discipline that will be the framework for your LEGACY.
* You need to live to the standard to the level that helps you begin to WIN.
* Build your environment. Your circle of influence impacts how far and how long you can go. YOU are responsible for creating your environment.
* DO what you SAY you are going to DO. Become a person who always honors your word and follows through. This is a massive confidence booster!
* Show up one day at a time. Steward today well! You *should* have 10 year goals and 5 year goals... but you have to show up for those goals every single day! When you compound days, they will become compounded months and years which makes an amazing life!
* You already know what to do -- you just need to choose to go out and do it!
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/GqJJec86ReY
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
A Higher State of Mind
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Today's episode is a conversation pulled from the talk from Jon Gordon did recently on having a HIGHER state of mind.
Here are some of the high points:
What are you allowing your mind to fixate on? Are you focused on what is frustrating around you or on what you are grateful for around you?
We have to make a conscious decision every single day (sometimes moment by moment) to focus on the positive things happening in our lives rather than on any negativity happening around us because it can be SO easy to find ourselves wallowing in the negativity.
Your mindset is a SPIRITUAL condition - a place of consciousness inside of you. If you had a choice, would you rather have a positive experience or a negative experience? You DO have a choice!
You are in a battle for your mind... each day you have to take your thoughts captive against things like doubt, distortion and discouragement.
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/_awwOla8XLs
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
How To Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever!
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Today's episode is a conversation about everything I learned while spending a few days with Ed Mylett and several other incredible people last week!
Here are some of the high points:
The first thing you need to realize about the potential for next year being amazing... is that you need to start taking steps TODAY! Don't wait until January 1st to begin moving your dreams forward. If you are able to finish 2022 well, it will be your launchpad into a powerful year in 2023.
What are you going to do TODAY that will set you up for success tomorrow?
Successful people believe they deserve what they are going after?
Do you have the right intentions set?
Are you associating with the right people who are building and pushing you toward the vision you have for your life? Take an inventory of the people you have surrounded yourself with to determine if they are growing and if they are helping YOU to grow and progress.
One way to build the people around you is to look for people's giftedness and call it out! "Let me tell you about you..."
Intend to be AMAZING. Do you set out to be the BEST version of yourself each and every day?
If you prefer to watch this on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/HZq8BLCbvD4
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
How To CHANGE Your Mindset Around Money
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Today's episode is in response to a conversation with Jenna Kutcher about money mindset.
Here are some of the high points:
HOW do you look at money? Do you see it as a tool... or as something you MUST possess...
Money is like oxygen - you don't think about it when you have it. But when you don't, you start to panic.
How do you CHANGE a toxic money mindset?
You have to trust yourself and the value that you bring! Most leaders battle the temptation to believe their success was a fluke... not a legitimate accomplishment.
Start giving back with your time and resources now even if you don't have much yet! Create your habit of generosity now! BECAUSE a scarcity mindset will absolutely limit your potential.
Be mindful about your language with money! How you speak about resources will shape your expectations and your experience.
If you prefer to watch this episode on youtube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/a81OJ86ogv4