Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Leadership Lessons From Bob Iger’s Journey At Disney
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Today's episode is in response to a conversation with Bob Iger about his experience leading the Disney company!
Here are some of the high points:
One of the biggest things you have to understand as a leader is that you have to be decent to people.
You've heard it said that "nice guys finish last" ... but the truth is that good people to take good care of other people will finish first.
Build trust and create strong relationships!
As the leader, you can show your team what it looks like to take great care of other people!
You need to understand that taking big risks is the only way to have a SHOT at having big wins! The most dangerous thing you can do is stay stationary without taking action!
Most people don't take decisive action because they don't fully believe in what they are doing every day!
We each need to rely on our instincts AND do our homework. Both are needed! Instinct is developed over time through experience.
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/o-XiIYRv85w
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
The Science of Leveraging A Growth Mindset
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Today's episode is in response to a talk from Dr. Heidi Grant about how we can use a growth mindset to rapidly transform our thinking and our lives!!
Here are some of the high points:
What leads to success?
The single most powerful factor in achieving goals comes down to your mindset!
The difference between having a fixed mindset and a growth mindset...
The fixed mindset prevents you from looking at ANY other options. You have a stance and you hold it to be true even if it's wrong! In this mindset, the point of what you're doing is to PROVE your ability. You will always compare yourself to others if you live in this mindset. When things are harder, you immediately begin to doubt your ability.
How do we change this to shift to a GROWTH mindset?
A growth mindset is not about proving your ability but IMPROVING your ability. We are trying to develop the skills that we have rather than trying to demonstrate how GOOD we are at them.
We have to shift our focus from comparing with others to comparing with the past version of ourselves.
Someone with a growth mindset encourages conversations!
Of all the predictors of success, this growth mindset is the most important piece!
When you have a growth mindset, you see problems as a chance to learn rather than as something that is just painful!
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/9vn1D5YMyyY
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Becoming A Leader Who Has It!
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Today's episode is a response to the second part of a teaching from Craig Groeschel about how we can become a leader who "has it!"
Here are some of the high points:
When you're a leader, you have a responsibility to raise up the next wave of leaders... which will only happen if you truly empower people.
Who are those new emerging leaders you can equip and inspire?
Your true impact is what happens when you're not there!
If you are overly controlling, you will become the limiting factor in your team's growth.
If you would prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/-i-2NH0dgBc
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Lead Like it MATTERS!
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Today's episode is in response to a teaching from Craig Groeschel about how each of us can become a leader who lives each day on purpose by leading the people around us well.
Here are some of the high points:
We can SEE the teams, leaders and groups of people that "have it." So often though, we have a difficult time identifying what that "it" is.
There is a leadership paradox of contradictory leadership qualities that create a powerful synergy.
Greatness is always found in the extremes.
When you look at leaders, they have huge differences in their behavior that when put together create powerful results!
8 Leadership Paradoxes that great leaders possess:
- Confident & Humble
- Driven & Healthy
- Focused & Flexible
- Optimistic & Realistic
- Direct & Kind
- Empowering & Controlling
- Urgent & Patient
- Frugal w/ an abundant mindset
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/46r5u88npX8
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Surprising Solutions For Overthinking
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Today's episode is in response to a talk from John Acuff about how there IS actually a practical solution to overthinking.
Here are some of the high points:
You are at the level you are at currently because of what you KNOW, DO and THINK.
Goals are the fastest path between where you are today and where you want to go.
If you don't take the time to figure out where you're going, you won't end up where your heart desires to land.
SO many of us struggle with overthinking in many areas of our life. It can be one of the most expensive bad habits we allow into our lives as leaders.
Out of 10,000 leaders, the study found that 99.5% of leaders acknowledged that they overthink areas of their responsibility every single week.
The soundtrack you tell yourself is what dictates your actions. These are the repetitive things you tell yourself. Great thoughts lead to great actions and great actions lead to great results.
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/oZ0kd7qLfog
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Take The Step - Go After ONE MORE!
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Today's episode is in response to a talk from Eric Thomas about how just ONE MORE can make all the difference!
Here are some of the high points:
Why do you need more money? Eric's answer to this question will challenge you. He said the reason you want to make money is so you can go out and make MORE of a difference for God's kingdom.
Money is like oxygen... you don't think about it unless you don't have it.
There is a war going on -- we are called to combat the bad things going on with funds by using resources to do massive amounts of GOOD!
First, you take care of yourself... then you help care for those around you... and eventually you can impact people far outside your personal circle.
Somebody else looked at you as THEIR one more. It's now our turn to find the next ONE who needs an opportunity! Take time to figure out what your ONE more is. What is that one more thing you need to do consistently that will create momentum and results that will help you accomplish the goals you are trying to accomplish.
Find out what your PASSION is!
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/uZFo1zHGwgI
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Lead Beyond Your Age
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Today's episode is in response to a conversation between Craig Groeschel and Sadie Robertson Huff about how each of us can lead beyond our age.
Here are some of the high points:
You are a leader because you have INFLUENCE... whether you have thousands of followers or whether you have three people in your home you have proximity every single day. The question isn't whether you're a leader... the question is WHERE are you leading people to?
Two of the most important aspects of being a leader are being humble and always being willing to learn. Go from failure to failure as fast as you can so that you can LEARN quickly and grow into success.
You're not going to have it all together but you have to START at some point! Find the right people and START... but then you must continue and walk with staying power.
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/7hFI_nUAyqY
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Success Habits of Millionaires
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Today's episode is in response to a talk from Dean Graziosi about success habits that millionaires establish in their lives.
Here are some of the high points:
No one is coming to save you. It is up to you to bring change to your life.
First, you start with your business. Are you doing things the same today that you were doing six months ago... because the world is changing rapidly.
Be truthful and honest with yourself about WHY you are where you are today!
It's ok to be blessed and still be driven to pursue MORE to make an impact on the lives of others... but you have to know why!
Are you willing to pay the SUCCESS TAX? Are you willing to pay the price for what you want? Anything you want to accomplish is possible if you're willing to pay the price.
If you prefer to watch this episode via YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/aSy1M2D79_M
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
How You Can Live Differently TODAY!
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Today's episode is in response to a talk from Jon Gordon about how living with optimism can transform your entire life.
Here are some of the high points:
Do you have a WORD for your year that gives you clarity and focus of what you're running after?!
The power behind your energy and vision is the WHY that forms the foundation of what you do every day!
The obstacles WILL come -- is your reason for doing what you do BIG ENOUGH to push through those challenges? Are you committed to show up for the ONE that could change the course of your entire journey?
The work that you're doing has invisible returns - there is SUCH value in putting in the reps even when you don't see the immediate results. Leadership is a transfer of belief.
What are you transferring to those around you? The word encourage means TO ADD COURAGE TO! We all need some encouragement and the people around us need it as well.
Let's be people who encourage others!
If you prefer to listen to this via podcast, check it out here: https://youtu.be/QoRDEcHzZzY
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
72 Hours With John Maxwell
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
For the third year in a row, I had the chance to spend three days with John Maxwell.
Today, we'll talk through the powerful lessons learned.
I liken this to the time that John Maxwell had in his younger years when he was learning from John Wooden.
One of the big topics we discussed is the reality that we are in a world that has a leadership vacuum. Adversity separates true leaders from the pretenders and we have had a tremendous amount of adversity over the last few years.
After a crisis, it is mission critical that a leader takes the time to CAST VISION of what is next. The step that most leaders miss at this moment is to be willing to ASK for a commitment once the vision has been laid out. Pushing people to put skin in the game is part of what will help people stay the course and work toward the goal rather than abandoning it to do something else.
We often talk about the HOW and the WHAT... tips and tricks do help. But true leaders teach values that endure over time as well as the driving principles that move your team toward the overall end goal.
John always brings us back to the WHY. That core belief is the fuel that any team and any dream will actually run on!
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/-DgpQMmabbE