Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
How To Find Strength In Uncertain Times
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
We are navigating difficult days that are full of anything but certainty through this COVID-19 crisis.
Today, Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I have a conversation in response to a message from TD Jakes about to help you find strength to weather the storm. When you look at someone's "bio," it will look like everything is amazing. Yet you rarely know the extent of what someone has walked through.
The battles are what SHAPE us and turn us into who we are supposed to grow into. Some of the most successful leaders and businesses are refined and improved during market downturns. What goals are YOU setting and going after that will help you accomplish the goals in your life and business?!
If you would prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, you can check that out here:
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
A Response During Crisis: Shine Your Light
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
In the midst of this Corona Virus crisis, Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I are consistently having conversations to help you (and to help US) walk through this with wisdom and courage.
Today, we took the time to listen through a message by Craig Grochel from lifechurch.tv directly addressing what it can look like to LIVE WITH FAITH during this spread of the virus and the resulting quarantine.
Even though you may have to be at home, it doesn't mean that you can't be connected to people in relationship! Isolation is by far one of the most dangerous ways to live during a time of difficulty and it is exactly what FEAR will try to convince you to do. Are you living in a way that is helping shine the light of hope and encouragement to others during these challenging days?
That's what we will learn about today!
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
A Response During Crisis: FOCUS Over Fear
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Every time our world faces a time of desperation and crisis, we each have a decision to make on how we will respond and what we will spread.
In times like these, anxiety and fear tend to creep in.
Today, we will take an intentional look at how to walk in FAITH rather than FEAR in a time of uncertainty.
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Leadership Conversations: Significance Matters
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Today, Martevious Young and I will have a conversation about why significance matters!! 💪
Every person CRAVES to have purpose and significance in their life. Do YOU have a way to connect your influence and your significance to impact people's lives? Does that connection bring in resources for your family?
In direct marketing, if I don't help YOU become successful, I won't be successful!! That's one of the most powerful aspect of this industry.
People of significance grow past themselves and start growing others -- there is always time in the day to CHANGE one more life!
We took the time to really dig into John Maxwell's Power of Five and it has brought up SO many important conversations that are helping us upgrade our lives and businesses!
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Leadership Conversations: Leading Matters
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Today Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I will have a conversation about why leading matters!! 💪
Everything absolutely rises and falls on leadership. Whether you are working a job, living with a family, working in a ministry or working to build your own business... leadership will be what moves the success or decline of what you're a part of!
Are you disciplined enough to lead yourself and earn the moral authority to lead those around you? May we start turning GOOD intentions in to REAL actions!! There is no perfect moment to start anything -- either you make the decision or life will pass you by!
We took the time to really dig into John Maxwell's Power of Five and it has brought up SO many important conversations!
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Leadership Conversations: Mindset Matters
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Today Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I will have a conversation about why mindset matters!
Truly, the greatest difference between someone who is successful and another person who is unsuccessful is the WAY THEY THINK! Your thoughts are some of the most potent aspects of your life that will impact your entire journey.
Are we choosing to take every thought captive ... are we allowing our thoughts to run wild and control everything within and around us? How are your thoughts directing your days?
We have been studying John Maxwell's Power of Five and it has brought up SO many important conversations that are impacting our lives and how we work toward investing in our business!
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Leadership Conversations: Connecting Matters
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Today Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I will have a conversation about why connecting matters! Are we looking for the moments to really engage people to bring HOPE and opportunity? Each of us have had someone help "turn the light on" in our lives -- and the incredible thing is that we can be that in the lives of those we encounter every single day!
How often are we asking people the question... "Who do you know that I need to know?"
We have been studying John Maxwell's Power of Five and it has brought up SO many important conversations that are transforming how we approach building our business!
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Leadership Conversations: Growth Matters
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Today Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I will have a conversation about why GROWTH MATTERS!! 💪
Are you WORTH taking the time to invest in yourself?? Your bank account will never exceed your personal development... 🤯
When we stop blaming others and start taking responsibility, doing the personal development and start putting ourselves in the right environments... everything has the chance to CHANGE!!
We took the time to really dig into John Maxwell's Power of Five and it has brought up SO many important conversations that are helping us upgrade our lives and businesses!
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Leadership Conversations: WHY Network Marketing?! 🤔
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Today Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I will have a conversation about why someone would want to consider network marketing as a career or even a side hustle! If you have a desire to be successful and to generate real additional income, this is an incredible opportunity that literally anyone can learn to build.
Unsuccessful people do great things once in a while - successful people do great things every day!
We locked in and studied John Maxwell's Power of Five and it has brought up SO many important conversations.
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Overcoming 🗣️ Objections ❌ to Joining Your Business 📈
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Have you ever been having an incredible conversation with someone about jumping in with you in business... only to be derailed by their FIRST objection to why they aren't ready?! How do you overcome those objections that people use? 💪😳✅
First... RELAX!! 😅
Don't get defensive. 😠
THEN, you can use the Feel ... Felt ... Found ... Most People ... response. 🙌 This is going to HELP 🙌 you in so many conversations! 🎁