Monday Jun 01, 2020
Overcoming Negative Thoughts
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Today's episode is a discussion between Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I is in response to a conversation between Ed Mylett and Trevor Moawad about taking control of your THOUGHTS!! Here are some of the high points!👇
- Trevor works with professional athletes and has found that the difference in those who become great is a 3% - 5% edge that comes from mental toughness and preparation. Are you willing to put in the hard work that will set you apart?
- People who are average become average by doing average people things.
- People who are great become great by doing great people things.
- If you don't have a plan, you'll always revert back to where you were before!!
- Who is the most important person you hear from on a daily basis... yourself!! Your self talk will shape a significant portion of WHO you become!
- Your mind is like a steering wheel; it may be small, it it sets the direction of your entire life. When you START each day, what will the first thing you set your mind upon?
- Find a way to get small victories EARLY in the day that helps you build real success that leads to more wins throughout the day!
- We can't control the thoughts that come into our head but we CAN control the words that come out of our mouth.Â
- 83% of illnesses start from negative thinking which leads to negative words.
- Remove negative people from your proximity if at all possible -- you are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with the most!
If you prefer to watch this episode via YouTube, check it out here:Â https://youtu.be/ZFSzpIdgP2I
Thursday May 21, 2020
The Power of Accountability: Part 2
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Today's conversation is a part 2 discussion between Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I is in response to a message by Sam Silverstein about accountability. Here are some of the high points you'll hear about!👇
Accountability can be summarized by the commitments we make to ourself and to others. We can't control other people's willingness to commit, but we CAN model the way and challenge them by living up to the standard! People are responsible to things and accountable to people. The quality of your life is based on your relationships. The quality of your relationships are based on your ability to keep commitments. The quality of commitments are what we keep ourselves accountable to and quality accountability is up to us.
So often, we have to choose to FOLLOW THROUGH with what we said we would do long after the feeling has left us. A commitment is NO MATTER WHAT. Action follows BELIEF and belief has to be BUILT and developed in your heart.
If you prefer to watch this on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/37cEkVvWh8U
Thursday May 21, 2020
The Power Of Accountability: Part 1
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Every area of life will be stronger within a strong framework of accountability... both internally and externally. So often, we have a tendency to resist being challenged because it's uncomfortable. However, when you're willing to allow someone into your life that will PUSH you, there is no question that you will go further and accomplish MORE!
Deciding to do your best to influence the people around you to become better, you are absolutely moving toward SUCCESS!
Today's conversation between Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I is in response to a talk with Sam Silverstein about accountability that was so eye opening that we had to share!!
If you would prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here:Â https://youtu.be/YHHHXK1M1KQ
Thursday May 14, 2020
Responding to Rejection 📵🚷
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Today's conversation between Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I is in response to a discussion between Ed Mylett and Alex Rodriguez that was incredibly encouraging for those of us who have to consistently hear "no" in order to WIN!
The truth is... no one who ever reaches a place of success has "arrived" without encountering significant rejection and failure.
The questions you have to start asking in those moments of rejection are so important... Are you working on the fundamentals every day? Do you have a world class work ethic? Do you have a black belt in grit and resilience?
We can't wait for you to lean into this conversation and GROW into someone who can handle rejection and use it to springboard into something even more amazing!
If you prefer to watch to this via YouTube, check it out here:Â https://youtu.be/QMkJfVqef_0
Tuesday May 05, 2020
You Only Have One Life - Make It COUNT
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Today's conversation between Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I is in response to a collaboration between Ed Mylett and Gary V that was such a powerful challenge to make sure we make the most of every day we are given!
Here are just a few of the high points...
Each one of us have a choice each day if we will walk confidently in what we believe in or not... and we get to decide if we will do so with gentleness and respect!

Social Media magnifies the truth... people love those who are real and authentic. We all subconsciously reject perfection because we know it’s not possible! What are YOU showing in your feed?

Are you willing to have patience while putting in the WORK? Don’t underestimate the power of momentum!
Be careful what you say “yes” to and what you say “no” to. Being consistent and laser focused on what moves your vision forward is super critical as you keep your priorities in line!

 The discipline of consistent action in the right direction is so powerful!

You can’t GIVE if you’re totally empty...

 To sustain success, you have to have empathy and truly care for people. You have to be more obsessed with the process than you are with the trophies at the end of the race. If all you’re focused on is the reward, the lack of focus on the process will destroy you!

If you prefer to watch this on YouTube, check it out here:Â https://youtu.be/X9Skh585QZs
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Leadership When It Matters Most
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
During the challenging days of the Coronavirus crisis, we can see SO clearly how uncertainty creates STRESS. Most people feel less stress with BAD news than with uncertainty because with bad news, at least you can come up with a plan and do something about it.
Will you embrace the BENEFITS of uncertainty? There are actually more than you may realize.
One of the MOST significant benefits is that uncertainty takes us out of "Automatic" and keeps us from coasting without being intentional! It forces us out of the rut we may have been stuck in!
Another huge thing to realize is that during times of uncertainty, people CRAVE leadership. People want to follow a great leader for guidance and perspective during these times -- it's an incredible opportunity to step up in your leadership like never before!
Today's conversation between Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I is in response to a message from John Maxwell that is SO timely during these challenging days we are walking through.
If you'd rather watch this on YouTube, head on over:Â https://youtu.be/ZdrZ8hV-apo
Friday Apr 24, 2020
How To LEAD From Home
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
With so many people experiencing some sort of "Shelter At Home" requirement due to COVID-19, there is so much value in learning how to LEAD from home. The truth is... the most difficult person in the world to lead is YOURSELF. In order to lead others well, you MUST lead yourself well.
When your rhythms are off and your schedule is different, it becomes much more challenging to lead yourself well with confidence.
Today's conversation between Martevious Young and I is in response to a leadership podcast from Craig Grochel.
He has SO much good advice during this season, including creating a designated workspace, fighting to establish your rhythms and routines, protecting time to get in your workouts, forcing yourself to take a day off and so much more!
If you'd rather watch this conversation on YouTube, check it out here:Â https://youtu.be/pKLF7oqiHzI
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Making The Impossible Possible
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
So much of who we become is shaped by how we respond to adversity.
Many of us have faced situations and circumstances that truly seem to be impossible. Yet, the more we embrace leaning TOWARD impossibility and difficulty, the more we will overcome fear!
Shifting and repositioning your perspective can help you overcome these obstacles. When you get knocked down, are you getting back up or staying down... Truthfully, when you look at the historical data, entrepreneurs almost always lose all of their money at least once.
Do you see your LIMITS or do you see what is possible?
Today's conversation between Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I is in response to a discussion between Ed Mylett and Nick Vuijicic.
Nick has no arms and legs, but can type 52 words per minute with two toes... has 4 kids, is married and is inspiring people every single day of his life. He has spoken to 8.5 million people! His message is that as humans, we truly can accomplish ANYTHING!! There are some people who say inspiring things and there are others who are simply inspiring. Nick is one of those guys who IS inspiring!
If you want to check this out on YouTube, here you go:Â https://youtu.be/h0Sc5lvmsnc
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Finding Hope In Chaos
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Whether we like it or not, each one of us is a CARRIER.
We are ALL spreading something.
Think for a moment about what you're carrying ... and is it WORTH catching?

 When you build and lead a voluntary army, your lowest level of HOPE will be the highest level your people will gravitate to! Are your life and business contagious? 

Hope is optimism with ACTION.

Though the virus we are facing globally is certainly contagious ... the FEAR swarming around it is even more dangerous to our hearts, our families and our future!
Today's conversation between Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I is in response to a message from Craig Grochel about how to find HOPE in times of Chaos!
If you want to view this via YouTube - check it out here:
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Attitude Is Everything
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
In every season, it's critical you are aware of how your attitude sets trajectory for your days. It's ESPECIALLY true during this global crisis because fear, negativity and selfishness have even more power to tear us down!
Your attitude will determine your altitude!! 

A negative mindset will never lead to a positive life. It’s impossible for those two things to coexist. 

What if we all had a Christ-like others centered attitude? Today's conversation between Chad Kneller, Martevious Young and I is in response to a message from Craig Grochel about how the most powerful tool you have is your ATTITUDE!
If you want to check this Podcast out on YouTube - check it out here: