Thursday Oct 14, 2021
The Power Of An OWNERSHIP Mindset! 💪
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Today's episode is a discussion between Chad Kneller and I in response to a talk from Richard Montañez about the power of taking ownership in every area of your life!
Here are some of the high points:
Taking ownership & thinking like an owner can transform every aspect of your daily journey.
In every interaction with another person, what if we simply set out to inspire, encourage and remind them of their value.Â
We can ensure we ad value by serving other people.
Three types of leadership: pioneers, settlers and purposeful leaders - who brings other leaders along.
A revelation is something that has always been there that everyone sees, but your eyes are opened in a brand new way. You are only one person or decision away from changing your life or your business!
You were not created to fit in - so stop trying to fit in. You were created to stand out!Â
Never make it about the business - make it about your last name. Are you looking to create a legacy for your family that will last beyond yourself?
If you prefer to watch this episode via YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/W5Cm_k2E2Y4
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Branding YOU
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Today's episode is a discussion in response to a talk from Jay Shetty about branding YOU!
Here are some of the high points:
Show up for yourself consistently even before others are showing up for you! KEEP SHOWING UP!
When you're thinking about what you'll be posting about, what you need to look for to be authentically you... look at the pains you've experienced and the passions that you have! Those are the things that cause people to FEEL! If you're talking about what you're passionate about, you'll resonate with what other people who are also passionate about those things!
God doesn't allow you to go through things for no reason at all... what were you supposed to learn from that experience?
If you prefer to watch this episode via YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/e9Jo-UPVOe4
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
What The Greatest Uncommon Leaders ALL Have In Common!!
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Today's discussion is in response to a conversation between Ed Mylett and Ben Newman about the aspects of leadership that all uncommon leaders live out that make them different!
Here are some of the hight points:
The greatest act of leadership is a shift of belief... to transfer belief can change the path of those people you have been entrusted with! Leadership is getting someone to do something that they wouldn't have done unless you were there.
Being a leader is setting the example - living in a way that can be replicated. Fail fast AND fail forward! You have a choice to make of whether you'll lead more with questions or statements. The people around you will tend to directly match the level of effort you're putting in. Your lowest standard will be their highest standard.Â
We don't do things until we get it right... we do things until we can't get it WRONG!Â
Be aware of leadership fatigue - continue to give, but be aware of the danger of burnout.Â
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/zXbUB8a1JAE
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Learning To LEAD Yourself - Part 2
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Today's episode is a conversation between Chad Kneller and I in response to the amazing second part of a two part series from Craig Groeschel about learning to lead yourself! Here are some of the high points:
Today was ALL about developing your leadership inputs!
As a leader, you conform to what you consume. We are ALL consuming something... just like you wouldn't want your neighbor to dump their garbage on your front yard every day, you don't want to give people access to dump garbage in your MIND! This also plays out with how we treat our body... are we putting things that produce LIFE and HEALTH or chaos and destruction in our body?
What are you doing today that will strengthen your leadership tomorrow? Even just 10 pages of a good book every day can set you apart as a consistent learner and leader. If you improve yourself by just 1/3 of a single percent, you'll grow by more than 100% every single year.Â
We don't fall in love with the finish line... we fall in love with the process of becoming a champion!Â
Growth and comfort never coexist.Â
Good leaders are obsessed with outcomes... but GREAT leaders obsess about inputs. Are we spending our energy focused on what we can actually impact or on something that we have no control over?
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/pc9ZT6qbL_U
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Learning to LEAD Yourself - Part 1
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Today's episode is a conversation between Chad Kneller and I in response to the amazing first part of a two part series from Craig Groeschel about learning to lead yourself!
Here are some of the high points:
Anything you do, you'll feel like a pretender in the beginning. You are learning a brand new skill...Â
Leaders stand taller, think higher, take responsibility and live with purpose.Â
Everyone wants to follow someone who walk with humility and take responsibility for mistakes.
Are you an EAGLE or a CHICKEN with your perspective... do you only see the ground in front of your feet or can you zoom out and see the big picture of what's needed for your life and business?
As your team grows and you multiply people who replicate... your workload doesn't have to become increasingly stressful. This is how empowerment works!
CARE DEEPER for people - this separates a good leader from an adequate leader.
If you prefer to watch this episode via YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/4R6DtI7D1Rs
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
How Successful Entrepreneurs THINK
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Today's discussion between Chad Kneller and I is in response to a conversation between Tom Bilyeu and Ed Mylett about the best advice on how successful entrepreneurs think!
Here are some of the high points:
GO GET EXTRAORDINARY! You have the ability to go out and do things to change your life - why not go do those things?
What you need to remember is that you can hang around with better people than yourself that will actually make you better... whereas negative people will always bring you DOWN!
How you feel about yourself while you're alone will tell you a lot about where you are going and what you will accomplish!
The most important thing you can do for yourself is to value yourself as a learner - you have tell yourself and other people that "I'm not good at that... YET!"
This first time you do ANYTHING, you won't be good at it! That's the power of fighting for getting in the repetitions!Â
Never do anything that will move you away from your goal... each step in the wrong direction will take multiple steps BACK to move in the right direction! Always push toward your goal and don't stop!
If you ever have a negative thought, intentionally turn it into a GRATITUDE LOOP! This is a powerful life-changing thought hack!Â
Acquire skills for massive impact.Â
The struggle is guaranteed - the success is NOT!
If you prefer to watch this episode via YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/TTbq1C59SXg
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
The Power of the ASK to be your BRIDGE to What You WANT!
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Today's discussion is in response to a conversation between Ed Mylett and Mark & Crystal Hansen about how the ASK is one of the most powerful tools in our tool belt to get where we feel called to go!!
Here are some of the hight points:
The ability to ask and the ability to imagine are two of the most important things that have been hardwired into us as human beings. The problem is that this curiosity has been crushed in us as children. As adults, your curiosity gets punished.
You may be where you are at today because of what or who you haven’t asked yet.Â
When you start asking questions, you will start getting answers… sometimes in very unexpected ways!Â
Make sure you have a notepad close so you can write down those thoughts and words from the Lord.Â
You don’t know what you don’t know - when you feel that prompting to engage someone and ask a question… take that lead and start the conversation!!Â
So often we get into PATTERN PARALYSIS… we do the same thing over and over.
Ask new questions so that you can find yourself walking to DIFFERENT places!Â
Ask yourself often "Where am I right now?" You have to have a true picture of your current reality in order to ask the next question... "Where do you want to be in the future?"
If you prefer to watch this on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/rlQOcmXf1jI
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
How To Have A Limitless Mind
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Today's discussion is in response to a conversation between Jon Gordon & Russell Wilson about how to have a LIMITLESS mind!!
Here are some of the amazing moments:
A lot of people say you CAN'T do things. Most of our limiting beliefs actually come from the words that others spoke over us! Negativity works 100% of the time. If you focus on it, it will deteriorate the area you're focused on as well as everything else in your life! To have a limitless mind, you have to have an adversity mindset!
If you want to have the true power, you look forward to adversity because you know that the GREAT stuff is on the other side. Anything worth doing will absolutely be UPHILL!
If you're not developing your mind, someone else is programming it for you!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
The successful people find a way to stick through the HARD with a positive attitude! When you're under pressure, you either crumble or you come out with uncommon strength! It will either crush you or form you and mold you into something greater than existed before!
If you prefer to watch this episode via YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/kuvedrRF3xw
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
The Strength of Empaty
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Today's episode is in response to an incredible conversation between Inky Johnson and Ed Mylett about the power of Empathy in leadership and human relationships!
Here are some of the high points:
Things don't happen TO us... they happen FOR us.
God doesn't give us stuff that won't grow us in some way... he can take all situations and USE it for good for those who LOVE him and who are CALLED according to HIS purpose!
Every human wants someone to love them, care for them and believe in them! We all can create culture around us that provide these core needs in the people around us!
We actually have the potential to reframe difficult situations into something than can become fuel that pushes us forward rather than a chain that holds us back.
Having enthusiasm will draw people around you from EVERYWHERE!! It's contagious and infectious.
Empathy will connect you to more people and will earn you a platform to be able to speak into the lives of those around you!
If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/Goh7GkUGy38
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Three Key Areas You Need To MASTER If You Want SUCCESS
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Today's conversation is in response to an incredible message from Anthony Trucks about the three key areas we all need to master if we want to find success.
Here are a couple of the major thoughts:
Confidence is key! It starts with your identity anchor. These anchors are things you know to be true about yourself. Each of us as the ability to hold onto these things or to let them go and move beyond them. Following the identity, there are closely held beliefs that then lead to your thoughts! Our emotions flow from our thoughts.
You can tell the difference between a dreamer, a dabbler and a defender. Each has their own level of commitment and challenges they will face.
If you prefer to watch this via YouTube, check it out here: https://youtu.be/1DojIf8lye4